
CPS students have free access to an electronic book (e-book) platform called Open eBooks. With the Open eBooks app, you can access a library of popular and award-winning eBooks without waiting or late fees. Pre-K through Fourth grades have access to the Elementary Collection, and Fifth graders have access to the Middle Grade collection.

In order to access the Open eBooks app, you need an access code and pin. Please use this link to request access: Open eBooks request for access

Once you have your access code and pin, you are ready to download the Open eBooks app. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your device’s app store
    If you have an iPhone or iPad, open the App Store app
    If you have a Chromebook or an Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play app
  2. Search “Open eBooks” and follow the instructions to download the free app
  3. Open the app
  4. Agree to any terms and conditions
  5. Enter your code and PIN combination when prompted (log in with FirstBook, not with Clever)

Please note:
*When using the app, standard data rates apply. Once a book is downloaded, the reader no longer needs an Internet connection.
*The code can be entered on up to six devices.
*One account can download up to 10 eBooks at a time.
*Each eBook will be available for 56 days before it must be renewed.

Please e-mail Ms. Jessie with any questions: j.dorfman@communitypartnershipschool.org

Happy reading!